Dressing & Setting the Table This Thanksgiving


John Elliott Interiors loves helping you design and enjoy your home. Today we are talking about the Thanksgiving table! There are several directions you can go in when determining how to decorate your table for the holidays. We have all the tips you need to get ready for Thanksgiving dinner with your friends and loved ones next week. Keep reading to check it out! 

Long Runner

A runner is best for narrow, long tables. When the table is narrow, your guests' faces will be nearer to the people across from them, making it even harder to see one another around a tall centerpiece. Use a garland of greenery, and then pepper in tea candles and unique décor throughout the design for a great ambiance that has a low profile and still looks amazing.

Large Centerpiece

A large, tall centerpiece is perfect for round or square tables where there is a lot of room in the middle of the table. If you choose a taller centerpiece, make sure to alternate the chairs in a way that allows everyone to still see each other's faces around the decorations.

Make the "Kids' Table" Pretty Too

Don't leave the kids out this Thanksgiving. Instead of just a plain plastic tablecloth, let the kids feel more involved in the holiday with decorations on their table too. Give them fun holiday-themed plastic chargers under their plates, colorful napkins, and a paper centerpiece like a big turkey! They're sure to feel special and enjoy the holiday even more.

Now's the Time to Get Fancy

If there was ever a time to break out the real silver and china, it's over the holidays! This really helps up the level of style and elegance on your table with very little effort. Be sure to bring these items out the week before your hosted dinner so you can count exactly how many pieces you have (some may have chipped in storage!) and make sure each piece is free from dust and tarnish.

Choose a Different Fall Color

Most people choose to decorate with orange, red, or brown because those are the standard, traditional colors associated with Thanksgiving. But, those aren't your only options! Think about all the other colors that come with fall and the changing colors of the leaves. Think bright yellow, or deep purple.

Look to Nature

Thanksgiving is one of the easiest holidays to decorate with items from nature. Think of flowers in your chosen accent color, nuts still in their shell (like walnuts or acorns), gourds, mini pumpkins (did you know there are cream pumpkins?), and fall-focused fruits like pears and apples. Also, don't be afraid to go faux! Faux flowers and fruit look incredibly realistic these days and are lighter and easier to decorate with. Plus, you'll be able to use them over again.

Best Interior Design Company

If you are looking for the perfect décor item to add to your home, come visit John Elliott Interiors in Lake Ozark, Missouri. We have several great pieces that can be used throughout your home... bookshelf décor, fine art, high end furniture, and more! We can't wait to see you and help create your ideal design.

Let us help you create an interior for your life.

2265 Bagnell Dam Blvd.
Lake Ozark, MO 65049


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